• Can I help RankWeek?

    Yes, please signup on a paid plan, share RankWeek on social media & leave us a review!

  • Can I connect sites from multiple Google Accounts?

    Yes, to do that use the custom setup at https://rankweek.com/app/setup

  • Can I get a refund?

    Yes, just send us a message using the form

  • Can I change my plan?

    Yes, you can manage your billing, download invoices, change plan and even cancel directly from you account page

  • How fast can I expect an answer?

    If I'm online (Europe timezone) usually within hours if not minutes. Max one working day.

  • Can you help me with my SEO issue?

    Probably yes, send me an email and I can have a quick look if you have a specific issue (for free! You don't need to be a customer)

  • Can I try it?

    Sure, we offer a free plan with unlimited free analysis and a 7 day free trial on paid plans

  • What's the custom account setup?

    It's an optional step to increase your daily indexing limit (you will need to connect your own Google Cloud Account)